13 Week Streak, Summer Flash Fiction -Week 1

2017 13 week Streak Summer Flash Fiction Thain in Vain

Week one of Thain in Vain and Drafty Devil bringing us the 13-Week Streak Summer Flash Fiction challenge. 500 words, one story using the prompt, enjoy!


The Whale Watchers

Sonja took Henry’s hand as they watched the Marina appear on the horizon.

“We’ll get it all straightened out.” Henry squeezed her hand.

With a trail of tears visible, Sonja shook her head, “I don’t see how.”

“I’m sorry, I wish. . .” Henry drifted off.

“Do you remember the words spoken as the giant hand. . . reached down. . .?” This time her voice faded.

The captain shook his head, “It plucked John off my boat as the voice stated, ‘Before you can wreak havoc.’”

The Whale Watchers kim izzy kimberhew
The Whale Watchers by Kim Izzy

Sonja glanced over at Joanna, John’s wife. John was her boss at Champion Medical Supply. The company had won this whale watching tour aboard the Helena because Champion’s Peg Bugloisi and Daniel Forman were the top salespeople of the Nitrile Brand wheelchairs in the tri-state area. Sonja and Henry filled in for Daniel and his wife when she went into labor six weeks early.

Peg and her husband were sitting with Joanna in the other corner. They had known each other since they attended Bossomwood Academy together.

They looked as shocked as Sonja felt. Turning she asked, “Captain Scott, do you think the Coast Guard will believe us?”

“As a Coast Guard retiree, I would like to think they would believe me.” He stroked his blond beard, “However, I think the truth is too bizarre to be believed.”

Looking around, everyone was shaking their head in agreement. Sonja asked, “What happens if we tell the truth?

“We are held as people of interest while they test us for drugs and other substances that can cause shared hallucinations,” Capt. Scott replied.

“Could we lie? What lie could save us?” Sonja pondered. Would the others corroborate the lie? It was in everyone’s best interest as none of them were guilty. Though only a few of them were good liars. Frequently, Sonja had to deal with unhappy customers because Peg and David would promise customers the impossible.

Staring at her feet, head hanging, and hand wringing, Sonja wanted land under her feet. What were they going to do? What would happen to them?

Joanna screamed.

Sonja looked up. There behind Capt. Scott bearing down on the Helena was a waterspout.

“We are the Whale Watchers,” a voice boomed from the sky, “We made a mistake. Sorry, but you all must come with us now.”

Capt. Scott adjusted the course of the Helena. The waterspout adjusted as well.

When the spout was within a few hundred feet, Sonja yelled. “But I didn’t do anything.”

The air responded, “Should have been more mindful of the company you keep.”

Several hours later, The Daily News Reporter standing on the dock at the marina stated, “A rare phenomenon occurred near our shore today. The waterspout overcame the vessel Helena. Capt. Trevor Scott was spotted trying to out maneuver the freak of nature. Unfortunately, nothing of the boat has been located. All passengers are listed as missing as the rescue search continues through the night.”


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